2012 Goals


1/2 Marathon– Last year, I ran my 1st half marathon.  It was a great time, and I did well despite not fully training: I ended the 13.1 miles at 2:04.  That marathon was very hilly, and I know that I could have done a better job without those dang hills.  So, this next marathon will be much flatter.  My goal is to complete the race in under 2:00.  And this time, I may actually train.

Vegetarian January– There is no larger reason for this goal, but Anna and I thought it would be good to try something to stretch ourselves.  And after the holidays with the turkey, and ham, and prime rib, we thought that 31 days of vegetarianism would be a good challenge.

Fit all my clothes by April– This is an important goal for me.  April will mark 3 years on this journey.  If I can wrap up the third year on a high note–no matter my actual weight–I’ll be very, very pleased!


Fiscal Fasts Once a Quarter– I know it’s a little lame, but Anna and I were watching a TV show on TLC called Extreme Cheapskates.  It’s a show that details the habits of very frugal people.  While I thought a lot of the show was worthless, one of the characters did something that he called a, “fiscal fast.”  He and his wife go a full week without spending any money–it has many other uses (which I’ll detail when we complete the first attempt).  Anna and I talked about that concept, loved it, and decided to try it 4 times this year.

Long Term:

Stick to Budget– Last year, Anna and I created a budget.  While a lot of the numbers were based off our best guesses and we didn’t really follow the self-imposed limits, we at least had a budget.  This year, we have lots of data to build a strong spending plan, and we will do our best to stick to it!

500 Miles– I had this goal before.  And I completely missed it.  This time, though, I will complete this goal.  And it shouldn’t be too difficult–it should average to under 10 miles a week.  No sweat!

Read through the Bible– I’m about 20 days into a Bible-in-a Year reading plan from You Version.  This year, I’ll do what I’ve always been hoping to do: complete a full reading of the Bible.  This one will be fun!

Be Under 225 at the End of the Year– There isn’t much to say here.  Gotta meet (or exceed) this goal.  Regardless whether I hit my goal on June 30th or August 8th, I’ll have to be there still (or again) on 12.31.12

Do Not Drink Any Calories–  I honestly don’t drink a lot.  Sometimes, I’ll grab a mocha or a Toffee Nut Latte, or a beer, or a Frapaccino.  I’ll just have to cut all that out–even the limited amount that I imbibe–in order to meet and surpass all of my expectations in 2012!

What about you?  What are your goals??

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